Radio Operadores del Este Club - KP3RE will be holding a Special Event in celebration of its 30 years as a Radio Amateur group from the East of Puerto Rico, it will be on November 11 to 18, 2023, more information later. This is a sample of Certificate. Rules will be post later.
Clublog Live Stream
Go to and register prior the event and add the numeric alpha code that we gave you in the exchange at
Beaches on the Air Program
You can chan
ARRL Field Day 2023
Lamentamos la perdida de nuestro Amigo - KP3S - Rafael Velazquez Yambo - SK
Radio Operadores del Este le rinde Honor en esta página, perdimos una de las columnas de nuestra organización, Vuela alto y no te detengas, gracias por ser parte de nosotros, Fortaleza a su familia ante la perdida, Dios los Bendiga!
Returning back to IOTA DXpedition 2022
Nuestro Nuevo Certificado de Miembresía
Activaciones USisland 2016
Pota Activations - 2021
Sota Activations - 2018 -2020
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend 2021